Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Keenan's Senior Session

This kid amazes me. How he is able to balance soccer, football, family, church and school, and still show up with such a great attitude every day speaks volumes of who he is. My own kids even adore him like a big brother! Since he is a true Garrett Railroader, we stuck to the city limits for his session, and Garrett did not disappoint. From a historic movie theater, to nostalgic brick, to the freshly painted city mural, to the outdoor soccer fields that have lately been Keenan's second home, we were able to capture a wide variety of backdrops to keep it fun. I was so excited to end the session with the moon high in the sky above the stadium lights, and Keenan was just as happy to practice all his soccer tricks (with the help of his dad!) for the camera!

Congratulations Keenan! All your hard work is paying off. We can't wait to see what the future brings!


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