Thursday, August 11, 2016

Isla's 2 Year Session

If you've followed me long enough, you might notice I try to get pictures of my girls on their birthdays. Just thinking ahead for future albums, picture frames, etc. I love looking back at my own baby portraits and my husbands for the simple fact of trying to figure out who each one of them looks like!

However, I feel like by the time I get to my third child, I've kind of slacked on this a bit, haha! So we are a bit past her second birthday, but she pretty much looks the same I'd say. ;) It was a quick, shoot from the hip kind of session, starting out on our back patio because our grass is nice and brown, and ending up in a vacant yard a few lots down that looks like it could have been in Arizona. The ground was dry and cracked, but showered with an array of weeds and wildflowers that took on a whole new aura as the sun was setting. It was gorgeous!!

So glad God stepped in on this shoot and gave me such lovely lighting that night - totally by mistake on my part - to do my beautiful girl (and her sister who insisted on jumping in) justice.


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