Monday, October 29, 2012

Wynne's 9 Month Session

I'm not sure what happened - but I went overboard this month. Waaaaaaayyyyy too many pictures! Wynne is sitting up so well that I can plop her anywhere and take a picture now, which would be great if she would stay still long enough! And I just can't get enough of that crooked grin, complete with two bottom teeth! Love it!!! I set up the trusty ol' tripod again so I could have a few shots with her myself, which turned out to be quite tricky when you have a baby that fusses at that annoying beeping sound. Oh, and please note my favorite - the huge cowlick on the side of her head that she dawned after her nap! It was too adorable to fix. :) She's getting so many expressions and perfecting the technique of baby babble that I edited nearly every picture I snapped that day. I need to get a grip. Who armed me with a camera?


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